
Learn more about me

Web & Mobile Developer

"Simple can be harder than complex"

  • Birthday: 25 Apr 1990
  • Email: juan.bolagno@gmail.com
  • Degree: Information systems engineer
  • Company: MAPLEAR
  • Age: 30
  • Phone: N/A
  • City: Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Freelance: Available

Information Systems Engineer, with more than 8 years of experience as freelancer and also working in different companies. Previously I worked as sysadmin and help desk coordinator, but now I am mainly focused in web development using Django, .NET and PHP frameworks (Symfony, Cake and Laravel), and in mobile apps development with Ionic and React Native. Currently improving my skills in Angular, Flutter and AWS.


Django 95%
.NET 80%
JavaScript 90%
Laravel 50%
AWS 50%
Symfony 75%
React JS 60%
React Native 60%
Ionic 70%
Electron JS 50%


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Information systems engineer

2006 - 2017

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe





Upper Intermediate

Some courses

React Native Expo: Creando un TripAdvisor de Restaurantes



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Aprender React JS



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Desarrollo de Apps Móviles


Google Actívate

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Stanford University

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Node.js, el comienzo


Stanford University

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Programación Android 01 Conceptos generales



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Introduction to Computer Networking


Stanford University

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ENGRI1280x, Wiretaps to Big Data: Privacy and Surveillance in the Age of Interconnection



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Maps and the Geospatial Revolution



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Principles of Project Management



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Mobile Robotics



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Programador .NET (Junior, Intermedio y Avanzado)

2014 - 2015

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe

CCNA Security


Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe

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Software Defined Networking



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Cryptography I



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Professional Experience

Web developer

2015 - Present

eLibro Corp. - Remote

  • Development of a platform for reading academic books, protected by copyright, with marking tools, notes, bibliographic citations, etc. It consists of multiple sites for different users, and some backend projects like workers or search engines. All the backend is developed in Django, and part of the frontend too. This platform is used by more than 1,000,000 students, mainly from Latin America. Users access can be through SSO, referral url, EZproxy, Shibboleth, OpenAthens, etc.
  • Development and maintenance of internal websites and institutional web pages in ASP .NET using C#, jQuery, LINQ and Laravel. Generation of loading modules and data visualization, import and export of xls and xml files.
  • Generation of the infrastructure and network scheme, using Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud and AWS. AWS S3 and Lambda services configuration.
  • Management of existing servers (Windows Server 2008 and 2012 R2, Adobe Content Server, Filezilla Server, IIS, hMailServer)
  • Administration of MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
  • Management of repositories in GitHub and Bitbucket, and tasks in JIRA.


2015 - Present

Government of Santa Fe - Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Generation of environments for different systems (PHP and Java) within the infrastructure of the Public Administration.
  • Application deployment in the productive environment.
  • Performing safety tests for applications prior to deployment. Monitoring of deployed services.
  • Control and generation of official email accounts.
  • Deployment and management of BI applications using QlikSense.

Help desk coordinator

2014 - 2015

Government of Santa Fe - Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Creation and coordination of the work group. Monitoring the operation of the help desk.
  • Workgroup training in the use of tools and in new processes for the help desk.
  • Generation of weekly and monthly reports on the operation of the help desk.
  • Proposal of adaptations and improvements for the help desk.
  • Request management through OTRS.

.NET developer

2014 - 2015

Precission SRL - Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Web development in ASP .NET MVC framework using C#, Razor, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax and LINQ.
  • Generation of the database in SQL Server.
  • Use of subversion using TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN Server.
  • Task management through Mantis Bug Tracker.


2013 - 2014

Government of Santa Fe - Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Resolution of application software problems in workstations with Windows or Linux.
  • Installation of operating systems in local computers.
  • Configuration of workstations, networks, proxies and firewalls of Internet servers of the Ministry.
  • Administration and maintenance of the backup scheme through Bacula software.
  • File server administration through Zentyal software.

Network administrator

2014 - 2015

Conectar Igualdad Program, Government of Santa Fe - Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Installation, configuration and maintenance of infrastructure.
  • Ubuntu and Debian servers configuration with virtualized services. Samba and DHCP configuration.
  • Packet filtering using Iptables and Squid proxy. Content filtering using DansGuardian.
  • Installation of hardware and software in netbooks.

Technical support / Software developer


Coya Sistemas - Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Customer service. Installation and maintenance of operating systems and applications on workstations and servers. Installation of computers and networks.
  • Software development in Visual Basic Basic.


My Services

Web development

Web-based solutions give flexibility to daily work and increase productivity in a safe and reliable framework. They are also the image that the customer sees of the company and, in many cases, the source of the profits. That is why I offer solutions tailored to each of my clients, and using the latest technology in the market.

e-Commerce sites

In a constantly growing market, opening the company to Internet commerce can be an advantage over our competitors, help us attract new customers and thus increase our profits. That is why I use platforms with integration to the best known APIs in the market (such as PayPal or MercadoPago) to help you grow your business.

Mobile apps

With the Internet at our fingertips, the use of mobile applications has expanded rapidly. Whether to consult an accounting statement, find information, make use of a contracted service, or simply buy something, mobile applications are increasingly popular, safe and reliable, and directly help improve our business.

Cloud computing

The flexibility of the Internet has given rise to new ways of working, rethinking the infrastructure and the way we use and protect our systems and daily work. I believe that cloud technologies are the way to meet these needs, allowing the company to focus directly on how to do the job and improve productivity.


The DevOps culture is revolutionizing the way we offer software and services to our customers, not only improving the quality of the final product, but also reducing costs. That is why I apply this culture in my development processes, and in turn, I offer my clients the necessary advice to apply this culture in their own production processes.

Consulting services

The constant growth of information technologies allows companies to offer new solutions all the time in an increasingly flexible way. I am in constant training to be able to offer my clients the best advice so that they can solve their problems effectively, in the shortest time. If your company has a new challenge and needs help, contact me!


My Works

  • All
  • App
  • Customization
  • Web


Mobile app development


Website development


Website development

Alfresco implementation

ECM software – Implementation & customization


Website development




Contact Me

My Address

Santa Fe, Argentina - CP 3000

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